So the girl sitting next to me pushed it away and said "Ugh, too much saffron!" But of course me, I just dug into the dish with my usual unabashed gastro-faith, pausing only momentarily to wonder if the barely room-temp seafood was still good. See, I'm not a huge fan of saffron, so I didn't worry about the rice, but I saw half a seared scallop, and some mussels, which did in fact have a bit o' the funk to them.
Who's got two thumbs and loves a good bout of shellfish poisoning? This guy....
(Damn you, one-dimensional communication medium of the internet, for not allowing a better portrayal of my ashen, bed-ridden face, but with two HUGE thumbs.)
I've gotten legitimate food poisoning maybe three times in my life before this current infestation (which, if my level of health is directly proportional to my level of sarcasm, has taken a turn for the better....scratch that, I'll probably be sarcastic on my death bed.) Two times were within two weeks of each other, and my experiences now allow me to give fair warning to those wishing to visit Ecuador: 1.) It's probably a good idea to avoid sushi in Quito (and certainly only the truly foolish would eat there more than once,) and 2.) If an Amazonian tribesman offers you a rough-hewn wooden cup filled with a brownish liquid that smells like it was extracted from the feet of the whole tribe, then you'd better have some great interpersonal skills, or prepare to buy stock in Pepto-Bismol.
Ok, the third wasn't really food poisoning, just this incident with honey mustard, sunstroke, I'm sure you get the picture....
Is anyone still reading this? I'm sorry, I'm trying to be positive, really.