Thursday, 1 May 2008

Speaking Dis(Crete)ly

....And I shall use a flaming motorcycle to captivate audiences into reading. Remember this photo, as there'll be a quiz later.
"You write like you speak," Corby Kummer told me the other day. I thank him for the compliment, and I'll also take the chance for some shameless promotion. Of him. He's a rather captivating man, sporadic, yet focused. And he's from the good side of CT, so that's always a plus. Overall, I'm very glad to have met him.
Back from Crete, I've been trying to find a way to describe our visit to one of the last hand-made phyllo producers left in Greece, perhaps the world. (There has been much debate on whether to write it phyllo or filo, but I've made my choice. Hear me, Filo!?! I've made my choice!) When my formal piece is finished, I'll post it here, but until then, just know that it was one of those moments where you knew the simple was complex, and hard work was neither hard nor work.
Until then, if someone actually decides to read this, then hey, send me a reply, let me know just how crazy my writing is driving you.

1 comment:

Surly Stephanie said...

Nuts? Your writing? Never! Just kidding! I adore your writing, it does drive me crazy sometimes but usually I find myself recovering from either a fit of laughter or crying so hard I run out of Kleenex after reading something of yours. Your writing is emotional, raw and true.

And I find it fascinating that you are drawn to a man like Mr. Kummer. But more on that later...

I look forward to reading your finished piece and until then, know that the simple is always complex in everything we do. xo